Environmental Consultant (Air Quality) at Sage Environmental Consulting
April 2014 - Present | Austin, TX
• Responsible for managing complex air dispersion modeling projects for oil and gas, refineries, chemical facilities, etc.
• Provide air permitting consulting services for oil and gas facilities, refineries, rock crushers, concrete batch plants, and chemical storage facilities.
• Provide individualized instruction of air modeling software.
• Provide consulting services for green business practices, pollution prevention planning, and construction oversight.
Project Manager at Sage ATC Environmental Consultants
August 2018 - April 2021 | Austin, TX
Responsible for managing complex air dispersion modeling projects. Provide support for air permitting, fugitive monitoring, and regulatory compliance in oil and gas, refineries, and chemical facilities.
August 2015 - July 2018 | Kenedy, TX
LDAR program coordinator for oil and gas sites in the EagleFord Shale. Put together new LDAR programs, conducted component inventories and fugitive monitoring, and provided regulatory support. Helped build asset management and regulatory compliance systems.
Associate Engineer at Environmental Resources Management
January 2013 - April 2014 | Austin, TX
Project manager for Texas air permitting for oil and gas facilities. Performed air dispersion modeling and provided permitting strategies for industrial facilities in Texas. Specialized in PSD, State NAAQS, and Health Effects modeling analysis using AERMOD. Performed CALPUFF modeling for OCS and Class I areas.
Associate Project Engineer at Weston Solutions, Inc.
September 2011 - October 2012 | Austin, TX
• Provided air permitting services for industrial clients, including upstream oil and gas, refineries, and chemical facilities in Texas, under or within proposed budgets.
• Performed air emissions calculations for Tile V, PSD, and NSR permit applications, permit-by-rule registrations, MSS authorizations, annual emissions inventories, and Greenhouse Gas permitting projects without rejection from regulatory bodies.
• Provided on-time support for air quality, noise pollution, and greenhouse gas analyses for National Environmental Policy Act permits, demonstrating my flexibility and ability to be quickly cross-trained.
• Mentored new hires on major air permitting projects, successfully acquiring PSD and Greenhouse Gas air permits for major oil and gas clients.
• Served on Make-A-Difference Committee.
Environmental Scientist at Hill Country Environmental, Inc.
September 2007 - December 2008 | Austin, TX
• Performed emissions calculations, air dispersion modeling, and wastewater treatment air emissions modeling.
• Calculated air emissions for Title V, PSD, NSR, and PBR permitting applications.
• Provided permitting strategies in accordance with the Clean Air Act.
• Provided assistance with regulatory compliance issues and acted as client and regulatory liaison.
• Prepared pollution prevention plans, facility security plans, and operations manuals for clients to ensure compliance with stringent environmental and safety measures.
Air Dispersion Modeler / Engineering Specialist at Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
June 2005 - September 2007 | Austin, TX
• Reverse-engineered air dispersion modeling results submitted with permit applications.
• Conducted air dispersion modeling analyses for small business permit applicants using BEEST Suite (ISC and AERMOD).
• Developed AERMOD meteorological data for all Texas counties for refined screening modeling.
• Evaluated air pollution control projects and made recommendations regarding industry best practices.
• Completed complex projects using ArcGIS software and meteorology theory.
• Implemented modeling team training program and supervised daily activity of new hires and interns.
• Served as Safety Officer, photographer, and events organizer for Air Permits Division.
Coastal Engineer at Coastal Planning and Engineering, Inc.
October 2004 - June 2005 | Boca Raton, FL
• Designed beach nourishment projects by interpreting existing beach slope, ocean floor bathymetry, and offshore and near-shore currents.
• Prepared permit applications for beach nourishment projects.
• Oversaw construction of artificial reef and beach nourishment projects.
• Prepared engineering design and post-construction monitoring reports.
• Researched efficacy of glass cullet as beach-fill alternative.